Diaper Bird
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Shuffle the deck and place it face-down on the table. Leave space beside the deck to discard cards during the game.


Pick your favorite creature on the box. Spin the box. When it stops, the player the creature is closest to gets to go first.


Each player gets space on the table to build a maximum of 5 Big Weirdos (each Big Weirdo is made of any top, middle and bottom card connected together).


Be the first player to make 5 Big Weirdos or 3 Matching Shmeirdos!


1. Starting with the first player, each player gets a turn to take one card from the top of the deck. Place it face-up on the table where you want to build your first Big Weirdo or Shmeirdo. Once you place a card on the table you are not allowed to move it for the rest of the game.

Diaper Bird card placement 1

2. Continue taking turns, taking one card from the top of the deck during each turn. The card you pick up should be played immediately wherever you want to start, add-to or complete a Big Weirdo or Shmeirdo (you do not hold any cards in your hand during the game). If there is no space to place a card you must discard it.

Diaper Bird card placement 2

3. Make Little Creeps by attaching a top card to a bottom card of matching color, or by attaching a bottom card to a top card of matching color. Little Creeps can also be made by combining lightning bolt top or bottom cards to top or bottom cards of any color. Once you make a Little Creep it steals any 2 cards from an opponent. Place the stolen cards wherever you have available space on the table then discard the Little Creep. You can make multiple Big Weirdos and Little Creeps per turn, as long as there is space for them to be placed on the table.

Diaper Bird make Little Creeps

4. If you make a Big Weirdo with matching-color top and bottom cards, you have made a Shmeirdo. Shmeirdos are indestructible and can’t be attacked by Little Creeps.

Diaper Bird Shmeirdo

5. At the start of your turn you can take an extra card from the top of the deck for every one of your Big Weirdos that contains a diaper or bird card (cards with a lightning bolt). You may also make a matching Shmeirdo that contains both a bird and a diaper card - this is called a Diaper Bird. Diaper Birds can’t be destroyed by Little Creeps and they give you 2 extra cards from the top of the deck at the beginning of each turn.

Diaper Bird make Diaper Birds

6. At the start of each turn you may also discard any number of middle cards for an equal number of new cards from the top of the deck.

Diaper Bird trade middles

7. The first player to build 5 Big Weirdos or 3 matching Shmeirdos wins the game!

Diaper Bird Big Weirdos and Shmeirdos